Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Binge Grading

You know that feeling when you sit down on your comfy couch, with a  bowl of your favorite chips in hand, and then you hear the sound: "Bum Bum!" It's Netflix coming on and you have every intention of watching at least a dozen episodes of __________?  Binge Watching has been collectively termed as an actual noun now.  It's what we do this day in age.  We can sit down in front of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu (you name it!) and watch as many shows as you want in sequential order.   Gone are the days of having to wait a week for the latest episode.  Now, we can just wait for it to come on one of the above and watch it to our heart's content.

That's the great side of bingeing.  

There's a darker side, unfortunately.

There is a term in our house that has recently been used about twice a quarter: Binge Grading.

Binge Grading: (v) the act of grading things in one sitting, without stops. (AKA procrastination grading)

Sentence: Mrs. Ficquette was binge grading in her office until three in the morning the day before report cards are due.

Does anyone else do this?  Does anyone else put off the majority of their grading until a day or two before report cards come out.  Tests and quizzes are graded and put into the grade book relatively quickly - parents can see that data on Homebase.  But regular classroom? Homework?  I'm so ashamed to say that grading those things has gotten sadly out of hand since I moved to third grade.  Maybe it has something to do with not having an assistant.  Maybe it's the demands of life.  Who knows!  Either way, I have this new pastime called "Binge Grading" and another bout of it should be coming along pretty soon because Progress Reports go home soon.

What are some tips for keeping up with the grading process?  What works and doesn't work for you!


  1. Research shows that 30 minutes of sitting and concentrating at one time is really all the brain can handle. Take a five minute break, then go back and do another 30 minute session. You will be less tired and get much more done!
